
Princípios. Activitidades. Clientes.


Baobabs. Image: Tjaart van Staden. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.

Baobabs. (Tjaart van Staden.)


As nossas actividades variam de pesquisas e análises, gestão de programas, e desenho de inquéritos e recolha de dados à representação de empresas.

Inicialmente, priorizávamos as actividades relacionadas no apoio aos investidores e a avaliação de risco, e o sector de mineração, com algumas actividades viradas para as avaliações ambientais e sociais, o desenvolvimento rural e o ambiente de negócios.

O nosso foco nas áreas rurais e urbanas centra-se no:

  • Desenvolvimento de negócios e ligações entre empresas micro, pequenas, médias e grandes.

  • Concepção e implementação de programas e projectos, e avaliações de impacto.

  • Políticas governamentais e de doadores, processo e prácticas relevantes tanto a investidores, como ao desenvolvimento.

Cahora Bassa dam by Tjaart van Staden. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.

Cahora Bassa dam. (Tjaart van Staden.)


O desenvolvimento sustentável bem como o investimento são melhor entregues por via de programas concebidos com clareza e monitorados, que estejam alinhados com as prioridades e metas de desenvolvimento do governo, assim como com as expectativas das comunidades participantes.

Podemos apoiar na entrega desse desenvolvimento e investimento porque a OzMozis:

  • É uma PME moçambicana que teve sucesso num ambiente nacional desafiador tanto em termos de negócios como em desenvolvimento.

  • Tem uma consciência forte em relação a aspectos culturais e de género, empatia com os intervenientes, e compreensão dos comportamentos do governo e do sector privado.

  • Aprecia os contextos internacionais e nacionais de economia política e desenvolvimento.


Mais de 70 trabalhos concluídos, incluindo algum feito pelo pessoal da OzMozis a título pessoal.

Recolha e análise de dados, gestão de programas, e representação de empresas.

A maioria das actividades foram realizadas em Moçambique, e em outros países Africanos.

A duração das tarefas varia de algumas semanas a vários anos.

Actividades Recentes

Estagiários de processamento de piripíri nos arredores de Maputo. Desenvolvimento Económico e Social e Serviços ao Investidor

Estagiários de processamento de piripíri perto de Maputo. (PUFAA.)

Oportunidades Económicas para Jovens e Mulheres Urbanos e Vulneráveis. O projecto Modelos de Financiamento Inovador para o Aumento das Oportunidades Económicas de Jovens Urbanos Vulneráveis e Mulheres em Moçambique avaliou o potencial de modelos de financiamento inovador para apoiar jovens e mulheres da zona urbana vulneráveis e excluídas do acesso a oportunidades económicas. Isto incluiu análise de atividades de promoção de empoderamento económico feminino e os passos para implementar os modelos de financiamento recomendados.

Trabalhador de uma pequena e média empresa metalúrgica na Cidade de Tete. Desenvolvimento Económico e Social e Serviços ao Investidor

Trabalhador de uma PME metalúrgica na Cidade de Tete. (OzMozis.)

Concurso de Planos de Negócios para Promover o Crescimento do Emprego. O Estudo do Mercado para um Concurso de Planos de Negócios para Promover o Crescimento do Emprego em Moçambique avaliou o interesse das PMEs e empreendedores num concurso de plano de negócios para apoiar o crescimento do emprego. Os dados obtidos de 300 inquéritos a PMEs ajudaram a desenhar um programa que aborda o acesso de jovens a oportunidades de emprego. O inquérito foi cancelado quando estava quase completo por causa do Covid-19. No entanto, o contracto foi alterado para analisar como as PMEs foram afectadas pelo Covid-19, baseado no resultado do inquérito feito via telefónica.

Farinha de milho moída de pequenos produtores, Manica. (OzMozis.)

Piloto Agregador Agrícola de Moçambique. O impacto da agricultura por contracto na produção e no bem-estar dos produtores contractados, e sobre as empresas agregadoras participantes, foi analisado pelo Piloto Agregador Agrícola de Moçambique, PAAM. A tarefa incluiu três inquéritos anuais inicialmente com 2,500 pequenos produtores sobre as oportunidades de emprego e o impacto social da agricultura por contracto, assim como os inquéritos anuais dos nove agregadores participantes que focaram-se nos custos e nos benefícios do programa da agricultura por contracto.

Limpando o algodão de pequenos produtores, Niassa. Desenvolvimento Económico e Social e Serviços ao Investidor

Limpeza do algodão de pequenos produtores, Niassa. (OzMozis.)

Avaliação do Fundo Catalítico para Inovação e Demonstração. O fundo tenciona melhorar a capacidade de pequenos proprietários e PMEs no vale da Zambézia e no corredor de Nacala para ter acesso ao mercado e tecnologia via ligações com agronegócios. O impacto dos 14 agronegócios participantes sobre os pequenos proprietários foi avaliado através de dois inquéritos anuais de 1,600 famílias, e um inquérito de implementação de progresso de cada subprojecto. O índice de empoderamento económico das mulheres na agricultura foi calculado a partir dos dados obtidos do inquérito familiar.

Mulheres intervenientes discutindo, Nampula.Desenvolvimento Económico e Social e Serviços ao Investidor

Mulheres intervenientes discutindo, Nampula. (OzMozis.)

Avaliação do Impacto Ambiental e Social de uma Linha de Transmissão. A Actualização do Estudo do Impacto Social e Ambiental da Linha de Transmissão de 400kV entre Nacala e Chimuara reveu o impacto ambiental e social para reflectir as mudanças propostas na rota, número de população, a sua localização e posse de propriedade, dos 840km planeados da linha de transmissão eléctrica. Isto incluiu um inquérito feito a 3,700 famílias e o mapeamento das terras e infraestruturas das famílias afetadas, assim como  a preparação de um Plano de Accão de Reassentamento compatível com a legislação nacional ambiental.

Instalando painéis solares, Beira. Desenvolvimento Económico e Social e Serviços ao Investidor.

Instalando painéis solares, Beira. (AMER.)

Linha de Crédito para Eficiência Energética e Energia Renovável. O projecto Eficiência Energética e Energia Renovável financiou uma linha de crédito para o BCI (o maior banco de Moçambique), e forneceu também a assistência técnica necessária. As tarefas do projecto incluiram: apoiar o desenvolvimento do mercado para eficiência energética e energia renovável, medir as necessidades de formação dos trabalhadores do banco, formar o pessoal bancário e as empresas candidatadas, e fazer a avaliação técnica das propostas de financiamento.

Comerciante de calçado organizando a sua mercadoria, Tete. Desenvolvimento Económico e Social e Serviços ao Investidor

Comerciante organizando a sua mercadoria, Tete. (OzMozis.)

PMEs Formadas por Mulheres e Mulheres Comerciantes no Comércio Transfronteiriço. A Avaliação da Linha de Base em Moçambique das Pequenas e Médias Empresas Formadas por Mulheres e Mulheres Comerciantes Envolvidas no Comércio Transfronteiriço pesquisou sobre as mulheres comerciantes e as PMEs formadas por mulheres em Ressano Garcia, na fronteira de Moçambique com a Àfrica do Sul. Investigou o impacto das políticas governamentais e as medidas tomadas relativas à Covid-19 sobre as opções de negociação e nos mercados e outros locais de venda, longe da fronteira que era usada pelos comerciantes e pelas PMEs.

Minério de ferro para a usina de aço/vanádio na zona franca industrial, Tete.Desenvolvimento Económico e Social e Serviços ao Investidor

Minério de ferro para a usina de aço/vanádio na ZFI, Tete. (Baobab.)

Criação de uma Zona Franca Industrial. A actividade Opções de Investimento e a Criaçāo de uma Zona Franca Industrial, a OzMozis identificou formas da Baobab Resources poder obter a classificação favorável sobre a Lei de Investimento para o projecto de aço e vanádio na província de Tete; foi recomendado o estabelecimento de uma zona franca industrial. Assim que o governo aceitou a ideia a OzMozis trabalhou com a Baobab na proposta ZFI.

Produtor de cimento e clínquer, Maputo. Desenvolvimento Económico e Social e Serviços ao Investidor

Produtor de cimento e clínquer, Maputo. (OzMozis.)

Avaliação do Depósito de Calcário do Chire. O depósito de calcário do Chire na província da Zambézia é um recurso potencialmente significativo para a produção de cimento. A avaliação mostrou a situação actual do depósito e o seu possível posicionamento na indústria nacional de produção de cimento, cobrindo os seus aspetos técnicos, económicos, comerciais e qualitativos.

Resumo das Actividades

ActivityActivitySectorKey WordsLocationPeriod
Mozambique Agricultural Aggregator Pilot (MAAP)
MAAP analyzed the impact of contract farming on the production and well-being of contract growers, and on participating aggregator firms. It entailed three annual household surveys on the employment and welfare impact of contract farming on 2,500 smallholder contract and comparison growers, and annual surveys of nine firms that focused on the cost/benefit analysis of their Contract grower programs. OzMozis was MAAP Program Manager.
Mozambique Agricultural Aggregator Pilot (MAAP)Agriculture and rural developmentAgribusiness, Agriculture, Business survey, Contract grower, Household survey, Job creation, Market development and access, SmallholderMozambique, Cabo Delgado - Mozambique, Manica - Mozambique, Maputo - Mozambique, Nampula - Mozambique, Niassa - Mozambique2017-2020
Evaluation of the Subprojects Financed by the Catalytic Fund for Innovation and Demonstration
The catalytic fund in the Integrated Growth Poles Project was to improve the capacity of smallholder and SMEs in the Zambezi Valley and Nacala Corridor to access markets and technologies via linkages with agribusinesses. Impact was analyzed through two annual surveys of 1,600 households working with 14 participating agribusinesses. The index of womens’ economic empowerment in agriculture was calculated from household survey data.
Evaluation of the Subprojects Financed by the Catalytic Fund for Innovation and DemonstrationAgriculture and rural development, FinanceAgribusiness, Agriculture, Business survey, Contract grower, Household survey, Market development and access, Smallholders, SME, WomenMozambique, Cabo Delgado - Mozambique, Manica - Mozambique, Nacala Corridor - Mozambique, Nampula - Mozambique, Niassa - Mozambique, Sofala - Mozambique, Tete - Mozambique, Zambezi Valley - Mozambique, Zambézia - Mozambique2019-2020
Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)
The AECF supports private sector agriculture and livestock, agro-industry, rural finance (including mobile money platforms and weather insurance),rural media and communications, agriculture research applications, and renewable energy and alternative technology projects. An OzMozis manager was the Chair of the Investment Committee and some sectoral Sub-Committees.
Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)Agriculture and rural developmentAccess to finance, Agribusiness, Agriculture, Challenge fund, Climate change, Job creation, Poverty alleviation, Renewable energy, SMESub-Saharan Africa, Mozambique, Cabo Delgado - Mozambique, Gaza - Mozambique, Inhambane - Mozambique, Manica - Mozambique, Maputo, Nampula, Sofala, Zambézia2010-2017
State of Climate Smart Agriculture in Mozambique
The analysis of climate smart agriculture was based on reviews of policy and programs, and interaction with research, extension, crop/livestock institutes, agribusinesses and financial services, as well as with donors, government, producers and producer organizations.
State of Climate Smart Agriculture in MozambiqueAgriculture and rural developmentAgribusiness, Agriculture, Climate changeMozambique2015
Food Wastage and Spoilage in Africa, Mozambique Component
The paper reviewed policy and other issues relevant to food wastage and spoilage of soy bean, groundnut, sesame and cassava.
Food Wastage and Spoilage in Africa, Mozambique ComponentAgriculture and rural developmentAgribusiness, Agriculture, Food securityMozambique2014
Inclusive Industries Program, Mozambique component
The African Development Bank's Inclusive Industries Program promoted linkages between micro, small and medium enterprises, and large industrial enterprises. The program in Mozambique analyzed a large forestry project in Nampula Province.
Inclusive Industries Program, Mozambique componentAgriculture and rural developmentAgribusiness, Business linkages, Forestry, SMEMozambique, Nampula - Mozambique2013-2014
Agro-finance study, Mozambique component
The study for the IFC analyzed the banana and cashew value chains, assessed farmer production methods and yields,developed farmer and farm income profiles, and analyzed agricultural finance supply and demand.
Agro-finance study, Mozambique componentAgriculture and rural developmentAccess to finance, Agribusiness, Agriculture, Smallholder, Value chainsMozambique2013
Mine Action Evaluation, Mozambique component
The study evaluated whether a mine action program delivered the foreseen development benefits to mine-affected communities, the effectiveness of central mine action programs, and the program’s value for money.
Mine Action Evaluation, Mozambique componentAgriculture and rural developmentLand mineMozambique2013
Taxation of the Agriculture Sector in Mozambique
The study analyzed the rates and administration of taxation for agriculture in Mozambique, and evaluated the impact of taxation compared to other sector challenges. Taxation was not a major constraint to the entry and investment of large firms in the agriculture sector but was for small and informal firms.
Taxation of the Agriculture Sector in MozambiqueAgriculture and rural developmentAgribusiness, Agriculture, SME, Tax and fiscal lawMozambique2010
Opportunity for a Mozambique AECF Competition
This proposal was prepared for the AECF and donors active in Mozambique. A competition focused on rural poverty, employment and growth would align with national priorities of poverty alleviation, agriculture development and private sector led growth.
Opportunity for a Mozambique AECF CompetitionAgriculture and rural developmentAgribusiness, Agriculture, Challenge fund, Poverty alleviation, SMEMozambique2010
Preparation of the Second Round of the AECF Zimbabwe Window
This report analyzed the experience with the first Zimbabwe AECF competition, and identified issues relevant to a second. At the request of the Minister of Finance, a concept note for a separate SME competition was included.
Preparation of the Second Round of the AECF Zimbabwe WindowAgriculture and rural developmentAgribusiness, Agriculture, Challenge fund, Poverty alleviation, SMEZimbabwe2010
Establishing an Institutional Anchorage of a Loan Guarantee Fund/facility to Serve the Agribusiness Sector in Mozambique
The paper identified an institutional arrangement for a national loan guarantee fund that would be acceptable to government, and improve financial access for commercial farmers, farmer associations, and SMEs involved in agri-business and agriculture-related value chains.
Establishing an Institutional Anchorage of a Loan Guarantee Fund/facility to Serve the Agribusiness Sector in MozambiqueAgriculture and rural developmentAccess to finance, Agribusiness, Agriculture, SME, Value chainsMozambique2010
Australia-Africa Agriculture Training Facility
From visits to Ethiopia, Ghana, Rwanda and Uganda, and based on African national priorities and Australian comparative advantage, four training topics were identified: dry-land farming; post-harvest management; water harvesting and smallscale irrigation; and livestock management, dairying and meat processing.
Australia-Africa Agriculture Training FacilityAgriculture and rural developmentAgriculture, Training and T.A.Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Rwanda, Uganda2009-2010
A Zimbabwe Window of the Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund
The AECF methodology for agribusiness, renewable energy, rural financial services and adaptation to climate change was slightly modified for a first competition in Zimbabwe, which was financed by AusAID. The report included a risk evaluation, and a financial and governance due diligence assessment.
A Zimbabwe Window of the Africa Enterprise Challenge FundAgriculture and rural developmentAgribusiness, Agriculture, Challenge fund, Risk assessmentZimbabwe2009
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Lending of the Comercial and Investment Bank (BCI)
The project funded and provided technical assistance to a credit line to BCI for energy efficiency and renewable energy. Tasks included supporting market development, training assessments, training bank staff and applicant businesses, and technical assessment of funding proposals. MACS Energy and Water, RINAC and OzMozis collaborated in this task.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Lending of the Comercial and Investment Bank (BCI)EnergyAccess to finance, Energy efficiency, Market development and access, Renewable energy, SME, Training and T.A.Mozambique2016-2017
Commentaries and "The View from Maputo"
OzMozis prepared four commentaries and a monthly newsletter ("The View from Maputo") for Dragoman, a firm handling corporate strategy, country entry and risk analysis, and stakeholder engagement.
Commentaries and "The View from Maputo"InvestmentInvestment and business environment, Investment policy and facilitationMozambique2013-2015
Framework for Investor Success in Mozambique
This guide for foreign investors covered Mozambique's expectations of investors, relevant Mozambican national priorities, common challenges for investors, and realistic engagement goals and performance measures.
Framework for Investor Success in MozambiqueInvestmentInvestment and business environment, Investment policy and facilitationMozambique2014
Investment Policy Review of Mozambique
Capitalizing on Investment Following OECD’s Policy Framework for Investment methodology, the report covered the national investment policy's impact on national and foreign investment, investment promotion and facilitation, infrastructure, and the financial sector. Data sources were stakeholder interviews, and documents.
Investment Policy Review of MozambiqueInvestmentFinancial sector, Investment policy and facilitationMozambique2010-2012
Review of the Mozambique Presidential International Advisory Board
This was an evaluation of the performance of the Presidential International Advisory Board and related Danish funding.
Review of the Mozambique Presidential International Advisory BoardInvestmentInvestment policy and facilitationMozambique2011
International Experience with Disaster Financing and Lessons for Mozambique
The study was commissioned by the national disaster management institute, INGC, to design a long-term disaster financing system. Funding options considered were a contingency fund linked to INGC, commercial insurance of national sovereign risk, and commercial insurance of agricultural and other producers, and infrastructure. OzMozis and MALEfin partnered for this task.
International Experience with Disaster Financing and Lessons for MozambiqueEnvironment and social issues, FinanceAccess to finance, Climate change, Disaster managementMozambique2010
Evaluation of Chire Calcarium Deposit and its Place in the Cement Production Industry
The evaluation studies the limestone deposit in Chire, Zambézia province, in the context of the national cement production industry. It covers technical, economic, marketing and qualitative issues. Trasmy and OzMozis are partners for this task.
Evaluation of Chire Calcarium Deposit and its Place in the Cement Production IndustryMinerals and oil/gasBeneficiation, Cement, Limestone, MiningMozambique, Zambézia - Mozambique2021-2022
Update of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the 840 Km and 400 kV Transmission Line between Nacala and Chimuara
Updating the ESIA of this 840 km 400kV transmission line in Zambézia and Nampula provinces involved a survey of 3,700 households (including the measuement and mapping of affected household land and infrastructure),and the preparation of a Resettlement Action Plan that was consistent with the 2012 national environmental legislation. OzMozis, JGP Consultoria e Participações and EcoAfrica were partners in this task.
Update of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the 840 Km and 400 kV Transmission Line between Nacala and ChimuaraEnergy, Environment and social issuesElectricity transmission, Environmental and social assessment, Household survey, Resettlement action planMozambique, Nampula - Mozambique, Zambézia - Mozambique2018-2021
Investment Options and the Establishment of an Industrial Free Zone
OzMozis identified options for Baobab Resources to gain a favorable investor status under the Investment Law for its planned steel and vanadium project in Tete by establishing a related industrial free zone. Once government accepted the idea in principle, OzMozis worked with Baobab on its successful IFZ proposal.
Investment Options and the Establishment of an Industrial Free ZoneInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasBeneficiation, Investment policy and facilitation, Iron oreMozambique, Tete - Mozambique2015-2017
Local Procurement and Financial Access Opportunities for SMEs in the Mining Sector, Tete Province
This field- and interview-based study under the Financial Sector Deepening program (FSDMoç) examined how SMEs in all sectors fared in Tete's mining-dominated economy, including from an access-to-finance perspective. SMEs based on agriculture were among the more enduring, and had an important role in developing value chains in a challenging environment.
Local Procurement and Financial Access Opportunities for SMEs in the Mining Sector, Tete ProvinceFinance, Investment, Minerals and oil/gasAccess to finance, Agriculture, Mining, SME, Value chainsMozambique2016
Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment of the Mining and Gas Sectors in Mozambique
The SESA was a strategic assessment of social and environmental issues, policies and regulations, covering sector governance as well as project development, operation and maintenance, and project closing activities. It was undertaken through the Mining and Gas Technical Assistance Project. OzMozis implemented this task in association with Cardno Emerging Markets.
Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment of the Mining and Gas Sectors in MozambiqueEnvironment and social issues, Minerals and oil/gasEnvironmental and social assessment, Gas, MiningMozambique2014-2016
Mining Investment and Governance Assessment (MInGov)
MinGov designed and piloted in eight African countries and Peru a tool to assess mining sector governance quality, sector competitiveness and attractiveness for investment. The assessment was implemented through interviews with the mining sector, government, civil society, and financial institutions. An OzMozis manager was MinGov Team Leader.
Mining Investment and Governance Assessment (MInGov)Investment, Minerals and oil/gasInvestment and business environment, Investment policy and facilitation, Governance (mining),MiningBotswana, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Peru, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia2014-2016
Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) of Development Corridors in Mozambique
The SESA reviewed strategic environmental and social issues in the national corridor development program, and identified environmental and social considerations to be prioritized in the TORs of environment and social impact assessments of seven corridors (Beira, Libombos, Maputo, Mueda, Nacala, North-South and Zambêzia). OzMozis implemented this task in association with Envirosig and MRPC.
Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) of Development Corridors in MozambiqueEnvironment and social issuesDevelopment corridors, Environmental and social assessment, Regional development and planningMozambique, Cabo Delgado - Mozambique, Maputo - Mozambique, Nacala - Mozambique, Nampula - Mozambique, Sofala - Mozambique, Zambézia - Mozambique2014-2015
Enhancing the Capabilities of Mozambican SMEs to be Effectively Integrated in the Oil and Gas Value Chain in the Rovuma Basin
The study investigated how Mozambique could realize its local content ambitions by maximizing the participation of local enterprises, especially SMEs, as suppliers of goods and services in the oil and gas value chain in the Rovuma Basin. Main study tools were interviews with extractive firms and their contractors, and a field survey of SMEs. OzMozis partnered with ICC for this task.
Enhancing the Capabilities of Mozambican SMEs to be Effectively Integrated in the Oil and Gas Value Chain in the Rovuma BasinInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasBusiness linkages, Business survey, Gas, Local content, SMEMozambique, Rovuma Basin - Mozambique2015
Opportunities to Improve Financial Inclusion Building on the Investments and Economic Activities Associated with the Extractives Sector in Mozambique
Prepared from a Markets for the Poor (M4P) perspective, this study for the Financial Sector Deepening program (FSDMoç) focused on Tete Province to review the opportunities and barriers to expand financial services to SMEs, individuals and rural households involved in economic activities linked to the resources boom. The study identified market segments and necessary interventions at the micro, small and large scales.
Opportunities to Improve Financial Inclusion Building on the Investments and Economic Activities Associated with the Extractives Sector in MozambiqueInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasAccess to finance, Business linkages, Mining, SMEMozambique, Tete - Mozambique2015
Mineral Sands in Mozambique: Summary Status and Issues
This report noted the exploitation of mineral sands, established and new entrants, and issues affecting the sector.
Mineral Sands in Mozambique: Summary Status and IssuesMinerals and oil/gasInvestment and business environment, Mineral sandsMozambique2014
Decision-making in the Gas Industry in Mozambique, Focus on Liquid Natural Gas and Gas-to-Liquid
The report covered gas development, LNG and gas-to-liquid status and prospects; government role in sector development; stakeholders; significance of local issues for industry development; regional and ethnic issues; and the role of parastatals.
Decision-making in the Gas Industry in Mozambique, Focus on Liquid Natural Gas and Gas-to-LiquidInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasGas, Investment and business environment, Investment policy and facilitationMozambique2014
Minerals and Gas in Mozambique
A Brief Introduction to Investment Options Main investment options for minerals and gas in Mozambique were described, plus the demand for FDI in power generation and transmission, and other infrastructure related to extractive industry.
Minerals and Gas in MozambiqueInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasGas, Investment and business environment, Investment policy and facilitation, MiningMozambique2013
Australia-Africa Partnerships Facility (AAPF)
The AAPF was an AusAID-funded, Africa-wide technical assistance program focused on mining sector governance and related regional and infrastructure planning, public policy (especially economic policy and governance),and agriculture and food security. An OzMozis manager was AAPF Facility Director.
Australia-Africa Partnerships Facility (AAPF)Agriculture and rural development, Finance, Minerals and oil/gasAgriculture, Governance (economic policy),Governance (mining)Africa2011-2013
Social and Economic Development Challenges in Cabo Delgado Province
This study focused on three issues: social and political developments concerning oil and gas, mining and other economic developments; the presence and impact of the Renamo party in the province; and the organization of the November 2013 local government elections.
Social and Economic Development Challenges in Cabo Delgado ProvinceMinerals and oil/gasGas, Investment and business environment, MiningMozambique2013
Update on Coal Industry Infrastructure Developments in Mozambique Transport infrastructure constraints are one of the main challenges facing the coal industry in Mozambique
This note summarized issues related to the four main rail/port systems that were in operation or proposed in connection with the Tete coal fields.
Update on Coal Industry Infrastructure Developments in Mozambique Transport infrastructure constraints are one of the main challenges facing the coal industry in MozambiqueInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasCoal, Railways and portsMozambique, Tete - Mozambique2013
Appropriateness of Delivery Channels of the Mozambique Regional Gateway Program
The study evaluated the planned delivery channels of the Mozambique Regional Gateway Program's three objectives (development of spatial planning tools and products in government; creation of a transport regulatory body; and identification and promotion of corridor-related investment in Mozambique and beyond).
Appropriateness of Delivery Channels of the Mozambique Regional Gateway ProgramInvestmentDevelopment corridors, Regional development and planningMozambique2013
Railways and the Mozambique Hinterland
The note explained the reorientation underway of southern Africa’s railway transport geography as the north-south links that dominated the region during the second half of the 20th century are being realigned west-east.
Railways and the Mozambique HinterlandInvestmentDevelopment corridors, Regional development and planning, Railways and portsSouthern Africa2013
Education and Training Study, Rio Tinto Coal Mozambique
The study included a gap analysis of coal mining skill demand and supply; a review of the Mozambican education and training environment, and of government and donor roles in skilled labor market development; and a comparison of engineering degree courses in Mozambique with those at University of Queensland. OzMozis partnered with Cardno Emerging Markets for this task.
Education and Training Study, Rio Tinto Coal MozambiqueEmployment, Minerals and oil/gasCoal, Labor market, Mining, Skill demand and supply, Training and T.A.Mozambique2012
African Mining Study Tour Alumni Learning Forum in Mozambique
The forum expanded networks among study tour alumni, and continued learning on local procurement, mining finance and taxation, and skills development associated with mining. The 63 participants were from 29 African countries, and represented government departments involved in mining, finance, planning and environment, and some NGOs. The forum was held in Tete, and arranged under the Australia-Africa Partnerships Facility (AAPF). An OzMozis manager was the Facility Director.
African Mining Study Tour Alumni Learning Forum in MozambiqueMinerals and oil/gasGovernance (mining),Training and T.A.Africa2012
Potential for Investment in the Railway Sector in Zimbabwe
This was a background document focused on sector policy aimed at potential investors in the Zimbabwean railway sector.
Potential for Investment in the Railway Sector in ZimbabweInvestmentRailways and portsZimbabwe2012
Mozambique Mining and Gas Tax Law Issues
Mining and gas tax law topics reviewed included the Mining Fiscal Law, resource rent tax and production tax, capital gains tax, public-private partnerships and mega-projects, corporate social responsibility (CSR),and the Petroleum Fiscal Law.
Mozambique Mining and Gas Tax Law IssuesFinance, Minerals and oil/gasGas, Mining, Tax and fiscal lawMozambique2012
Tete Coal Transport, the Rio Tinto Experience
This note reviewed Rio Tinto’s efforts to address the transport of mined coal to coastal ports in the year after purchasing its mining concession.
Tete Coal Transport, the Rio Tinto ExperienceInvestmentCoal, Mining, Railways and portsMozambique, Tete - Mozambique2012
Mining Investment Environment in Mozambique
Prepared for a potential investor, this review focused on the business environment relevant to mining sector investment.
Mining Investment Environment in MozambiqueInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasInvestment and business environment, Mining, Risk assessmentMozambique2012
Assessing Vulnerabilities to Corruption and Supporting Integrity in the Oil for Development Program: Case Studies of Bolivia, Mozambique and Uganda
The Mozambique case study identified vulnerabilities to corruption in the petroleum/oil sector that could challenge the integrity of the Oil for Development program. The challenges assessed concerned program implementation and the government role in the sector.
Assessing Vulnerabilities to Corruption and Supporting Integrity in the Oil for Development Program: Case Studies of Bolivia, Mozambique and UgandaMinerals and oil/gasGas, Governance (oil and gas)Mozambique2012
Three State-owned Enterprises in Mozambique – CFM, EDM and ENH
The national rail and port (CFM),electricity supply and distribution (EDM),and hydrocarbons (ENH) firms were reviewed in terms of stakeholders, role in infrastructure provision and resources, company performance, and partnership and investment strategy.
Three State-owned Enterprises in Mozambique – CFM, EDM and ENHInvestmentGas, Governance (mining),Governance (oil and gas),Railways and ports, State owned enterpriseMozambique2012
Community Development Trust (SIOC-cdt) Strategic Review
OzMozis prepared a presentation on “Achieving our 2030 Vision” based on the Sishen Iron Ore Company Community Development Trust (SIOC-cdt) Strategic Plan. It focused on the impact of SIOC-cdt resources and programs in mine communities, and on collaboration with local government, communities, and other mining companies.
Community Development Trust (SIOC-cdt) Strategic ReviewInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasCommunity development, Corporate social responsibility, Iron oreSouth Africa2012
Review of “Zambezi Valley Development Options”
The paper “Zambezi Valley Development Options” was prepared by the Vale Columbia Center; OzMozis reviewed it at the request of the Ministry of Mineral Resources.
Review of “Zambezi Valley Development Options”InvestmentRegional development and planningMozambique, Zambezi Valley - Mozambique2011
Mining environment analysis – Mozambique and Namibia
These summary mining sector reviews of Mozambique and Namibia covered the potential for a mining industry, policies and institutions to encourage investment, corporate social responsibility, investment security, and public policy for sustainable development based on mining revenue. AusAID used the studies to identify areas of possible support.
Mining environment analysis – Mozambique and NamibiaInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasGovernance (mining),Investment and business environment, Investment policy and facilitation, MiningMozambique, Namibia2010
Mining Sector Reviews
The summary mining sector reviews analyzed the current and potential mining industry in Burundi, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe. They covered the potential for a mining industry, policies and institutions to encourage investment, corporate social responsibility, investment security, and public policy for sustainable development based on mining revenue. AusAID used the studies to identify areas of possible support.
Mining Sector ReviewsInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasGovernance (mining),Investment and business environment, Investment policy and facilitation, MiningBurundi, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda, Zimbabwe2010
Regional Planning in Mozambique
This concept note outlined a collaborative regional planning program in Mozambique. Proposed activities included study tours for government, industry and community representatives to public/private partnership activities in South Africa, Madagascar and Australia; technical assistance and professional development assignments for planning at the provincial and growth corridor level; and mechanisms for community, industry and government interaction.
Regional Planning in MozambiqueInvestmentRegional development and planningMozambique2010
Risk Analysis for a Mining Project in North-east Burkina Faso
This risk analysis was prepared for a mining company considering investing in north-east Burkina Faso. It covered threats from terrorist groups, organized crime, general crime and banditry, and the dynamics of unrest.
Risk Analysis for a Mining Project in North-east Burkina FasoInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasInvestment and business environment, Mining, Risk assessmentBurkina Faso2010
Terms of Reference for a National Corporate Social Responsibility Policy for Mozambique
This was the terms of reference for the development of a comprehensive CSR policy framework for mining, oil and gas, which could increase the development impact of Minerals and oil/gas industries locally and nationally. It was used to develop a national CSR policy for mining, oil and gas, which was possibly the first such comprehensive policy in a developing country.
Terms of Reference for a National Corporate Social Responsibility Policy for MozambiqueEnvironment and social issuesCorporate social responsibility, Gas, MiningMozambique2010
Electrification of Tete Province as a Collaborative CSR Activity
This was a concept proposal for government, mining related companies, and donors to help plan, finance and implement an electrification program. It encouraged companies work on a coordinated CSR program that could be a catalyst for sustainable development. It did not lead to a project.
Electrification of Tete Province as a Collaborative CSR ActivityEnvironment and social issuesCorporate social responsibility, Electricity transmissionMozambique, Tete - Mozambique2010
Mozambique Mining Pre-investment Review
The report covered issues that investors face in making a decision on investing in the mining sector, including the regulatory and governance context, infrastructure, social and environmental concerns, and security. Two case studies provide context.
Mozambique Mining Pre-investment ReviewInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasInvestment and business environment, Mining, Risk assessmentMozambique2010
Social Assessment Plan, Banfora Gold Project
This Social Assessment Plan of a gold mine in south-west Burkina Faso focused on employment generation, local population benefits, and company interaction with artisanal and small-scale miners.
Social Assessment Plan, Banfora Gold ProjectEnvironment and social issues, Minerals and oil/gasGold, Environmental and social assessmentBurkina Faso2010
Innovative Financing Models to Increase Economic Opportunities for Vulnerable Urban Youth and Women in Mozambique
This study assessed the potential of innovative financing models to support vulnerable urban youth and women excluded from economic access opportunities. It included analysis of activities promoting female economic empowerment, and the steps to implement recommended innovative financing models. Social Finance and OzMozis were partners for this task.
Innovative Financing Models to Increase Economic Opportunities for Vulnerable Urban Youth and Women in MozambiqueEmployment, FinanceAccess to finance, Economic empowerment, Job creation, Urban, Women, YouthMozambique2020-2021
Market Study for a Business Plan Competition to Promote Jobs Growth in Mozambique
The study was to assess the interest of SMEs and entrepreneurs in a business plan competition to support company and jobs growth. Survey data from 300 SMEs would also help design a program to address youth employment access. The SME survey was cancelled due to Covid-19 when it was partly completed, and the contract was modified to analyze how SMEs were affected by Covid-19 based on a telephone survey. OzMozis and IMC Worldwide were partners for this task.
Market Study for a Business Plan Competition to Promote Jobs Growth in MozambiqueEmployment, InvestmentBusiness survey, Covid-19, Job creation, SME, YouthMozambique2019-2020
Mining and Related Issues in Mozambique
This mining sector review and risk assessment covered national political developments, macroeconomic issues, legislative developments (public-private partnership and mega-project laws),labor market, hydrocarbon and mining developments, investment and extractive industry policy, relevant infrastructure projects, CSR requirements, and social, environmental and security issues.
Mining and Related Issues in MozambiqueInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasInvestment and business environment, Investment policy and facilitation, Mining, Risk assessmentMozambique2012
Mozambique Oil and Gas Sector Review
The oil and gas sector review focused on key stakeholders in the hydrocarbon sector, and business and regulatory risk.
Mozambique Oil and Gas Sector ReviewInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasGas, Investment policy and facilitation, Oil, Risk assessmentMozambique2011
Baseline Assessment in Mozambique of Women's Small and Medium Enterprises and Cross Border Traders
The assessment surveys women traders and SMEs involved in cross-border trade at Ressano Garcia on the Mozambique/South Africa border. It investigates the impact of government policies and measures concerning Covid-19 on the availability of trading options (for example, materials, market, credit) and selling locations away from the border that are used by the traders and SMEs.
Baseline Assessment in Mozambique of Women's Small and Medium Enterprises and Cross Border TradersEmployment, InvestmentBusiness survey, Covid-19, Job creation, SME, Trade, Women, YouthMozambique, Maputo - Mozambique2021
Mongolian Mining Industry and Supply Chain, Investment Climate Benchmark Study
This study will consolidate views of mining sector investors, facilitate constructive discussion, and seek areas of alignment. It will include success stories and lessons from other countries, a gap analysis, and an action plan. OzMozis provides a market expert who will help develop, implement and analize a mining investor stakeholder survey, and contribute to a sector SWOT analysis.
Mongolian Mining Industry and Supply Chain, Investment Climate Benchmark StudyInvestment, Minerals and oil/gasInvestment and business environment, Investment policy and facilitation, Mining, Risk assessmentMongolia2021-2022
Maniça Water Management and Small Farmer Development Project
The project will implement critical flood management structures in the lower Incomati basin, and support the resumption of production by smallscale sugar cane and food crop farmers affected by the 2021 floods. Non-sugar cane farmers, vulnerable families, two sugar companies and the broader community will also benefit from effective flood and water management. OzMozis prepared the concept note and will participate in project preparation.
Maniça Water Management and Small Farmer Development ProjectAgriculture and rural developmentAgribusiness, Contract grower, Flood management, Smallholder, Value chainsMozambique, Maputo - Mozambique2021
Improving Smallholders’ Jobs through Agribusiness Linkages
Findings of the Mozambique Agricultural Aggregator Pilot (MAAP) A summary of the final MAAP report prepared by OzMozis in 2020, this study analyses how contract agriculture impacts the profits of contracting firms and the welfare of contracted small farmers. It was prepared by Michael Baxter, Christopher Delgado, Jose Manuel Romero and Ian Walker, and published by the World Bank Group as Jobs Working Paper No. 67, 2022.
Improving Smallholders’ Jobs through Agribusiness LinkagesAgriculture and rural developmentAgribusiness, Agriculture, Business survey, Contract grower, Household survey, Job creation, Market development and access, SmallholderMozambique, Cabo Delgado - Mozambique, Manica - Mozambique, Maputo - Mozambique, Nampula - Mozambique, Niassa - Mozambique2022
MAAP Updating Study
This study, which was prepared for the World Bank, summarizes the 2020-2022 performance of aggregator firms that had been monitored under MAAP in 2017-2019. In line with MAAP’s objective, the report discusses the implications of this aggregator performance for a possible subsidy to help expand contract farming systems.
MAAP Updating StudyAgriculture and rural developmentAgribusiness, Agriculture, Business survey, Contract grower, Household survey, Job creation, Market development and access, SmallholderMozambique, Cabo Delgado - Mozambique, Manica - Mozambique, Maputo - Mozambique, Nampula - Mozambique, Niassa - Mozambique2023


Mais de 45 clientes (incluindo organizações financiadoras) nacionais, de outros países Africanos, e para além.

A distribuição sectorial dos nossos clientes:

  • 50% do sector privado (por exemplo empresas de consultoria e avaliação de risco, logística, recursos naturais e financeiras, e representação de clientes).

  • 35% oriundos dos doadores e agências de desenvolvimento.

  • 15% foram ministérios e agências do Governo de Moçambique.

Sector Privado

Menas Associates. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
Aurizon. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
Control Risks. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
Oxford Policy Management. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
DAI. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
BAOBAB. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
Rio Tinto. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
Horizon. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
SIOC. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
Dalberg. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
THE BRENTHURST FOUNDATION. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.

Doadores e Agências de Desenvolvimento

The World Bank. TheEconomic and Social Development and Investor Services.  world bank.
KFW. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
AECF. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
UNDP. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
FSDMO. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
MUVA. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
GROWING AFRICAS AGRICULTURE. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
EURASIA GROUP. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
AML AFRICA INSIGHTS FOR DECISIONS. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
OECD. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
AusAID. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
DRAGOMAN. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
NORAD. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.

Governo de Moçambique

LENH. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
EMEM. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
ELECTRICIDADE MOCAMBIQUE. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
INGC. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.
Ministries of economy and finance MOCAMBIQUE. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.

Republic of Mozambique
Ministry of Economy and Finance

Ministry of Transport and Communications. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.

Republic of Mozambique
Ministry of Transport and Communications

Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy. Economic and Social Development and Investor Services.

Republic of Mozambique
Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy

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